The family were mostly all girls except for the dad. The dad is a boy. At some point one night two girls of the family were being noisy at night in their beds. The father's friends, one was called Pickle Nose and the other was Charlie. The family lived in the city. The family worshipped God. Holidays! Well there were lots of holidays. One time they went to lots of people's houses and they gave out candy and the people brought them money. On one of the holidays they built a tiny house. Anyway, a job of dusting the five kids and one of the kids had that dusting job everyday. So they were getting a little whiney about it so she did a job, a fun job. She hided buttons and then when it was their turn to clean they had to find all the buttons while they worked. And at the end there was a BOY baby! The end.
Rachel's Note: This book was such a treasure! And I randomly picked it off the library shelf. It is set in 1912 in New York and they are a devout Jewish family. There were detailed descriptions of how the family celebrated Passover, Purim, and Succos.
That sounds like a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it, Evelyn!