Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Best Christmas Pagent Ever by Barbara Robinson

The problem is the Herdmans were the worst people ever!! Until the end. Imogene actually cried at the end! I can't believe it. She actually knew Jesus at the end. The wise man actually brought ham. Why didn't they bring gifts? Like gold, frankinscence, and myrrh!

There were more people of the Herdmans, not just Imogene. There were all kinds of people. The people were in the play. Imogene played Mary in the play.

If you look close there is an x on the worst. It turns out to be the best. I like Mary a lot. Well, Imogene.

And if you look at the book there is an angel who said "Shazam! The black night!" and she said "Hey! Unto you a child has been born!!!"

I got to go see the play! It was good. I liked where I sat because the Herdmans were like piling up in the aisle next to where I was sitting! I had to, like, move over. In the play there was cigar smoke, but not in real life. Whoosh! Good thing it wasn't in real life. That would be scary.

Betsy Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace

Once we did this before. Anyway, they didn't be friends but then they turned up to be friends. The characters are Betsy, Tacy, the mom, and the dad, and the mom, and the dad of both of them. Betsy is like an ordinary girl. She has brown hair and she has little blue bows. Betsy is good at climbing trees. She is good at making friends. Tacy is just a girl that doesn't want to go school. It says in the book once they went to school and Tacy was crying. She put her head down. She keeped it down. When it was recess time she planned to run home, but Betsy went to go get her. And then they stopped in front of the candy store and they both cried together. But the chubby owner went out and she gave them free candy. (Someday I want to do that!) Then the chubby owner said "Go to school!" They walked and cried to school. Recess was done and they went in their school and they weren't sad anymore.

This happened on the planet earth maybe near England or near America. I don't know. It happened long ago. This is just a pretend story. A fake story. The Daddy drives a horse to work.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving on Thursday by Mary Pope Osborne

The book was awesome. They had the first Thanksgiving. I was dissappointed because Samoset wasn't in there. I like that Jack said "Annie's nuts." The Pilgrims said "nuts?" And they said "Indeed!" I like that Annie and Jack put the turkey in the fire. It was an accident. He ruined it. They had squash, corn, and the feast.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Courage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh

Sarah and her father are on a journey with their horse, Thomas. And Sarah is hearing these noises. And now they are out of the woods and they went to a house which had four children. And then Sarah keeps saying along the whole journey "keep up your courage, Sarah Noble, keep up your courage." Now they are with the horse again and Sarah keeps saying in her mind, "keep up your courage, Sarah Noble, keep up your courage." Sarah's dad said to Sarah Noble that those are south Indians. And they will be kind. So they ate supper which I think was beans and they stayed in a cave last night. Now it's the morning and the father is building the house. Sarah Noble was just sitting under the tree and these kid Indians come up. Sarah keeps saying "keep up your courage, Sarah Noble." And she picks up the Bible and begins reading. So Sarah Noble and the two Indians like a couple and they were picking some berries. So they are with the father again and Tall John. Her dad says "you are going to stay with the Indians until I come back with Mom and the children." So she is living and she keeps saying "keep up your courage, keep up our courage." And this night she combed her hair and prayed. And the Indians were looking at her strangely like she was speaking a strange language. And in the morning she had mocassins and they got off their mocassins and they played a game with these mocassins. And they were talking with Mom and the children and Sarah Noble said "I have to take my baby doll to bed."

I liked that they have a safe ending. I am like Sarah Noble because I like time with my mom. I am brave because I am not scared of the dark.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

All-of-a-Kind Family by Sydney Taylor


    The family were mostly all girls except for the dad. The dad is a boy. At some point one night two girls of the family were being noisy at night in their beds. The father's friends, one was called Pickle Nose and the other was Charlie. The family lived in the city. The family worshipped God. Holidays! Well there were lots of holidays. One time they went to lots of people's houses and they gave out candy and the people brought them money. On one of the holidays they built a tiny house.
    Anyway, a job of dusting the five kids and one of the kids had that dusting job everyday. So they were getting a little whiney about it so she did a job, a fun job. She hided buttons and then when it was their turn to clean they had to find all the buttons while they worked. And at the end there was a BOY baby! The end.

Rachel's Note: This book was such a treasure! And I randomly picked it off the library shelf. It is set in 1912 in New York and they are a devout Jewish family. There were detailed descriptions of how the family celebrated Passover, Purim, and Succos.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rachel Field's Hitty abridged by Rosemary Wells

I liked the whole book and especially when they made a dress for her. It was so pretty. I loved it.


Hitty is a doll. For the first chapter Hitty was in a house and the father for Christmas he had a little girl and Hitty was made from mountain ash. Oh, and a girl went in a wheelchair and she loved Hitty, but the teacher, when the wheelchair and the girl that was in the wheelchair went to the library, sneaked into the room and stole Hitty and sold her to a shop. And a girl said to the boy shop guy the girl didn't have enough money to buy Hitty so they made a deal. And when they made the deal the girl went away. The End.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

I liked when Laura went in the seat because she slapped her big sister in the face. And I liked all of the other ones, but I liked that one best of all. Oh, and when the machine came I liked that one best of all, too. The horses went around and around and around and it went faster and faster and faster so the men had to work faster and faster and faster. The men had to put in the straw and it chopped into pieces and the mom kept braiding and braiding and braiding and she made hats for all the family.

Laura and Mary had to be quiet when they are at the table and eating. On Sundays they had to sit still. They had to be seen and not heard. And we tried the seen and not heard. It didn't work! My sisters and my brother didn't want to do it. And I'm going to do it next Sunday, too.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren

Pippi is funny. She has two friends. One is a boy and one is a girl. Tommy and Annika is their names. We have two books. One we can keep forever and one we cannot keep forever. Pippi is very strong. And once she even went to the circus and she picked up the big strong guy and she was so strong she could pick up his whole body. She has a monkey, just one monkey and one horse and she could carry her horse in her bare hands. There is a hole in a tree Pippi Longstocking has and Tommy and Annika like to play at Pippi's house. And Villa Villakula, that's Pippi Longstocking's house, very creepy because she has an attic and there's lots of ghosts. She said she has all the ghosts in the whole wide world. Pippi Longstocking fell down a cliff once. She forgot to flap her wings. And she has an umbrella that has circle holes in it.