Monday, June 3, 2013

On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder

The characters are Laura Ingalls Wilder, Mary, Carrie, Ma, Pa, and the good old bulldog Jack. We met a new character in the story. I don't know what his name is. We'll just call him "Boy" he said "snipes!snipes! snipes!" Nellie Olsen is always bragging like about her pretty coat. The teacher was kind. Laura and Mary never went to school before.

The setting was mostly in their house and the school and the church, on the prairie, in the water. Laura and Mary got to sleep in the attic.

They didn't have much. They were poor and they are real if you tell me!! The wheat died because the grasshoppers came. They were eating the wheat. Pa needed the wheat to sell so they could have the money.

There were problems in the winter time because there was a big storm and they put in all the wood! Pa couldn't get back. He was so hungry! He ate all the Christmas candy.

Pa came back. Pa walked one hundred miles to get a job if you tell me! And he gots hundreds and thousands of money!

The doll, her loving true doll, she didn't like that doll but she wanted it. Then Ma said to give it to her and Laura wasn't really happy about that. And then one day when Laura got the mail she saw that Anna had thrown her away and took her one eye off and so she put it in a mud puddle to drown. Laura Ingalls got her up and brought her to Ma and Ma said I'll fix her up. And then she put it all back in her box. And that was the end of that story.


  1. I'm so glad you are enjoying these books, Evelyn! I had forgotten about the doll.

  2. Me too. I had the series in a box set when I was little. I'm not sure what happened to it? I'll have to ask my mom, although I believe my aunt may have it. Anyway, I love hearing Evelyn's take on a story. Thanks!
